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New and updated encyclopedic guide to American theatre, from its earliest history to the present. An encyclopedic history of the American theatre--a must for all students, teachers and theatregoers. Over 2300 cross-referenced entries.
inauthor: Acting drama από
This Is The First Volume Of The Six-Volume History Of Indian Theatre.
inauthor: Acting drama από
... play . Of those who are interested in a first night we place first , the author ; second , the manager ; third , the actors ; and lastly , a few in the audience , who , per- haps , as friends , take an interest in author , manager , or ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
... in Author's Pen and Actor's Voice : Playing and Writing in Shakespeare's Theatre ( Cambridge University Press , 2000 ) , ch . 6. See also David Mann's study of the enduring importance of unruly clowns well into the seventeenth century ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
... drama in itself - the love of the dramatic art , whether in author or actor , wherever it presents itself in a form worthy of the name the delight in scenic representation , either when it is true to common nature , or when it ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
Four young recruits and two veterans in an army barracks await the orders that will send them to Vietnam.
inauthor: Acting drama από
... drama a some- what regular plot . He produced Latin trage- dies and comedies translated from and modelled after the Greek , and made a version of the Odyssey in the Saturnian metre . His plays ... in author , actor , and manager , and ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
... Theatre USA , 24-66 . Jeannette , Gertrude . This Way Forward . 1948 . In author's personal papers . Laurents , Arthur . Home of the Brave . 1946 . New York : Random House , 1946 . Smith , Lillian . Strange Fruit . 1945. New York : Hart ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
... Theatre, August ¡908, vi. 28. “Mrs. Carter as Du Barry 29. “Mrs. Carter, in 'Du Barry,' Wins A Signal Success,” World, 26 December ¡90¡, 7. 30. “The Drama,” Tribune, 26 December ¡90¡, 1. Mrs. Leslie Carter, “Portrait of a Lady with Red ...
inauthor: Acting drama από
... in author - and - title alphabet . The number of volumes is given to June 30 , 1884 , only . Acting drama . 16 v . 12o . 8 v . 129 . ea . , 10c.- Phillips & H. Macmillan . nos . 51-190 . 12o . ea . , 15c .... Happy . | Chautauqua ...