inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
This is the a go-to book for anyone wanting to enjoy the feeling of having a 'proper' drink without any of the downsides of alcohol.
inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
This edition includes a new commentary on the text by A.W.Moore, St.Hugh's College, Oxford. By the time of his death in 2003, Bernard Williams was one of the greatest philosophers of his generation.
inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
Now, after 35 years in the industry, Al Snow tells the stories of the unbelievable yet true events that formed his career, from his in-ring recollections to out-of-ring escapades, including drunken midnight journeys with a vanfull of little ...
inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
This is a collection of essays in metaphysics, ethics and related branches of philosophy by Bernard Williams, one of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century.
inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
The Practice of Value is an exploration of a pervasive but puzzling aspect of our world: value. The starting-point is the Berkeley Tanner Lectures delivered in 2001 by the leading moral theorist Joseph Raz.
inauthor:"Owen Williams" από
The twentieth-century journey to understand the human heart was a saga on a par with the race to the moon.