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inauthor: Washington Irving από
... in author concludes that the possibility of a general war In the near ... Washington, and in Europe. Wilstach, Paul— Mount Vernon. Simmons, J. R. ... Irving Our Airmen. — Daniel. Elizabeth Happy Days — Hedges, S. G. Games and ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... WASHINGTON, January S.— The fol lowing are the weather indications for 1M ... Irving Williams, the reporter of the local cotton market for tho New York ... in author ity liaviug boon satisfactorily subdued, nl tho following week ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... Irving, tj.l C upUs X : I'EKIKNCEP I'EKIKNC tcnus moderate. '^i"rH"n~-t-i ... Washington, who tuecn two men, said to have been under the inDAWSOS, Ga ... in author^- the n.d C*>- LVOS, Carrlatcra, Carrlatcra, Attorncy of the ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... in author. Jjii't I cannot write stores thnt arc shorl very well. Jly ... Washington. One of my ancestors wns a minute man in tho Revolutionary War ... Irving- ton. Dear Sunbonni Editor: I would Ilko to become n Sunbonm. I have ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
M VI I OV Behind MAWI Nolo Degeneration Of U.S. Superior!!} WASHINGTON — The ... Irving to handle my ce ativcl . unimportant business U- tcl pi "tic ... in author ily. If Ihe rights of monopolies to .public service, and unions to ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... In author- to carry on a tclapliono bUBiticsa la tha City of I ... Irving avonue; Hill utrcot fi-om Perry street to Howard Bti-eot; Judith Btri ... Washington bridno, two dollars per diiv, payable weekly, in addition to ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... Irving- g ton over the location of the infectious u diseases hospital in ... Washington, " reequiring only the attention of some official l to urge t ... in author r ity in the county government can deter r mine how much shall be ...
inauthor: Washington Irving από
... Irving Brown ceremonies at the World's Fair, is as active Columbus is now ... in author New of England. "Ecclesiastical Rev. eight The feet Oxford deep ... Washington; ^persons In in 1817 the in all started, for the f rniiage ...