Μήπως εννοείτε: Ντέιβιντ Κόλεριτζ
Σάμιουελ Τέιλορ Κόλεριτζ. Άγγλος ποιητής, κριτικός και φιλόσοφος.
Ο Coleridge έγινε φίλος με τον Wordsworth και την αδελφή του Dorothy. Από τις συζητήσεις τους προέκυψαν οι «Lyrical Ballads» («Λυρικές Μπαλάντες»). Το 1798 ...
... Coleridge, Derwent, 1800-1883 National Library of Australia National ... Ντέρβεντ Κόλεριτζ ‡c Βρετανός συγγραφέας και ιερέας ISNI Wikidata; 400 0 _ ...
27 Οκτ 2024 · German novelist and playwright remembered chiefly as the author of the popular fairy tale Undine (1811).
26 Μαρ 2019 · PDF | On Mar 1, 2019, Leanne Atkin and others published Implementing TIMERS: The race against hard-to-heal wounds | Find, read and cite all ...
One Hundred and Twenty Years of The Eagle . . . by J . A . W . Benne t t. Some Johnian Record Breakers. Stranger i n the Coll ege . . . by David This t l ...
The development of poetic appre c ia ti on is inves t i ga ted by c omb in i n g ph ilo s ophica l ana lysis with P iagetian-type interviews in.
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream and The. Tempest abound with supernatural beings of various kinds, which contribute differently to each play's ...
Read 1974-1975;1975-1976 Catalog by Pacific Lutheran University Archives on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Star...